#!/bin/nawk -f ###################################################################################### # convert 3D 1H, 1HN, N NOE PCK file to con format # usage: 3dhhn.awk null 3dnoe.PCK ###################################################################################### BEGIN { skip = 1 deleted = 0 cutoff = 0 W_DIST = 4.0 W_NEG = 1.0 W_POS = 0.9 M_DIST = 3.0 M_NEG = 1.0 M_POS = 0.9 S_DIST = 2.5 S_NEG = 1.0 S_POS = 0.9 WM = 4.0 MS = 3.0 #MAX_INTENSITY = 1.03e07 MAX_INTENSITY = 2.39e06 MIN_INTENSITY = 1.92e04 CUTOFF_DIST = 4.8 #K = 0.34 K = (CUTOFF_DIST - 1.8)/(-1.0 + (MAX_INTENSITY/MIN_INTENSITY)^0.3333) #print K } ###################################################################################### ###################################################################################### # Read in exclude defs definitions ###################################################################################### FILENAME == ARGV[1] { if ($1 == "#" || NF == 0) next exclude[$1] = 1 next } ###################################################################################### # skip over "header" ###################################################################################### FILENAME == ARGV[2] && skip { while ($2 != "PkID") { getline } getline skip = 0 } ###################################################################################### function mk_ass(ass) { gsub(/[,;]/,".",ass) ns = split(ass, aa, ".") ASS = sprintf( "%s ", aa[3]) return substr(aa[1],2,length(aa[1])) } function mk_ass2(ass) { gsub(/[,;]/,".",ass) ns = split(ass, aa, ".") ASS = sprintf( "%s ", aa[2]) return substr(aa[1],2,length(aa[1])) } ###################################################################################### function pr_output( swap, res1, ass1, res2, ass2, dist, neg, pos) { if (swap) printf "assign (resid %-3s and name %-4s) (resid %-3s and name %-4s) ",res2, ass2, res1, ass1 else printf "assign (resid %-3s and name %-4s) (resid %-3s and name %-4s) ",res1, ass1, res2, ass2 # output constraints printf "%4.1f %4.1f %4.1f\n", dist, neg, pos } ###################################################################################### { # screen for unwanted peak ids if ($1 in exclude) {if (deleted == 0) print $0 > "noe.deleted" else print $0 >> "noe.deleted" deleted++ next } #skip unassigned if (match($7, /[ACDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWY][0-9]*\./) == 0 || \ match($8, /[ACDEFGHIKLMNPQRSTVWY][0-9]*\./) == 0 ) {next} res1 = mk_ass($7) ass1 = ASS res2 = mk_ass2($8) ass2 = ASS # printf ">>> res1=%s, ass1=%s, res2=%s, ass2=%s\n",res1,ass1,res2,ass2 # always put smallest residue id first, or "lower" proton identifier first for # intra-residue swap = (int(res1) > int(res2)) || (int(res1) == int(res2) && ass1 > ass2) # calc constraint limits and print output absi = ($6 < 0.0) ? -1.0*$6 : $6 absi = MAX_INTENSITY / absi absi = (absi)^0.3333 absi = 1.8 + (-1.0 + absi) * K if(res1==res2 && ass1==ass2) {next} if (absi > CUTOFF_DIST) {if (cutoff == 0) {print $0 > "noe.cutoff"} else {print $0 >> "noe.cutoff"} cutoff++ } else if (absi <= CUTOFF_DIST && absi >= WM) {pr_output(swap, res1, ass1, res2, ass2, absi, 0.40*absi, 0.40*absi)} else if (absi < WM && absi >= MS) {pr_output(swap, res1, ass1, res2, ass2, absi, 0.40*absi, 0.40*absi)} else if (absi < MS && absi >= 2.2) {pr_output(swap, res1, ass1, res2, ass2, absi, 0.40*absi, 0.40*absi)} else if (absi < 2.2) {pr_output(swap, res1, ass1, res2, ass2, absi, 0.40*absi, 0.40*absi)} }