___________________________________________________________________ CYANA 1.0.6 (pgi) Copyright (c) 2002 Peter Guntert Contains CANDID, copyright (c) 2002 Peter Guntert, Torsten Herrmann All rights reserved. ___________________________________________________________________ cyana> - at3g01050: read lib /usr/local/lib/cyana/lib/cyana.lib Library file "/usr/local/lib/cyana/lib/cyana.lib" read, 50 residue types. - at3g01050: read seq ./at3g01050.seq Sequence file "./at3g01050.seq" read, 101 residues. - at3g01050: peakcheck peaks=c13no_54,n15no_54,c13no_ar_53 prot=at3g01050_final ------------------------------------------------------------ Peak list : c13no_54 Proton list: at3g01050_final - peakcheck: read prot at3g01050_final unknown=warn Chemical shift list "at3g01050_final.prot" read, 1043 chemical shifts. - peakcheck: read peaks c13no_54 Peak list "c13no_54.peaks" read, 2239 peaks, 1674 assignments. - peakcheck: atom shift unusual Atom shift limit1 - limit2 HE3 LYS+ 63 3.282 1.310 3.230 N ALA 70 134.559 113.700 133.900 HB2 LYS+ 78 2.383 0.780 2.300 CG LYS+ 78 27.188 20.900 26.440 CG LYS+ 108 29.224 20.900 26.440 CD LYS+ 110 38.000 25.400 33.500 6 shifts outside expected range. - peakcheck: atom shift check Atom Residue Shift Median Deviation Peaks HN GLN 16 8.173 8.194 0.051 5 HN LEU 17 8.955 8.986 0.031 5 HN GLU- 18 8.482 8.509 0.042 8 HG13 ILE 19 1.685 1.673 0.039 6 HA LYS+ 20 4.722 4.757 0.035 3 HN PHE 21 8.939 8.963 0.042 5 HB3 PHE 21 2.724 2.737 0.038 11 HN LEU 23 9.288 9.312 0.034 10 QD1 LEU 23 0.586 0.586 0.032 32 HN ASP- 25 7.608 7.633 0.031 2 HA PRO 31 4.995 4.986 0.033 5 HN ALA 33 8.193 8.209 0.034 4 HA THR 39 4.712 4.789 0.080 2 HB THR 39 4.815 4.759 0.056 2 HN LYS+ 44 7.887 7.919 0.046 5 HA LYS+ 44 3.529 3.523 0.045 20 HB3 GLU- 45 2.237 2.239 0.200 10 QG2 ILE 48 0.683 0.716 0.043 16 HG13 ILE 48 1.459 1.465 0.030 8 CB SER 49 63.546 63.538 0.996 5 CG GLU- 50 37.014 36.708 0.411 3 HN LYS+ 55 7.811 7.837 0.038 5 HB3 LYS+ 55 1.946 1.776 0.170 7 CG LYS+ 55 25.848 25.250 0.598 3 HG3 LYS+ 55 1.430 1.398 0.032 5 HN GLU- 56 8.735 8.776 0.045 4 HA PRO 59 4.245 4.261 0.031 7 HN LYS+ 63 7.829 7.847 0.031 5 HB3 GLU- 64 2.023 2.025 0.337 6 HG3 GLU- 64 2.027 2.055 0.251 7 HA VAL 65 4.181 4.203 0.030 4 HB VAL 65 2.098 2.012 0.088 6 HB3 LYS+ 66 1.662 1.657 0.030 8 HN SER 69 8.785 8.814 0.036 5 HA GLU- 75 4.262 4.222 0.048 4 CG LYS+ 78 27.188 26.764 0.458 15 HG3 LYS+ 78 1.376 1.372 0.263 13 HG3 LYS+ 81 1.357 1.342 0.041 5 CB ARG+ 84 31.938 31.565 0.490 9 HA PRO 86 4.409 4.475 0.066 3 HD3 PRO 86 3.819 3.828 0.043 7 HN ASN 89 8.276 8.301 0.078 3 HD21 ASN 89 7.638 7.262 0.750 2 HG LEU 90 1.438 1.627 0.189 4 QD2 LEU 90 0.815 0.836 0.032 5 HA ALA 91 4.383 4.238 0.145 1 QB ALA 91 1.424 1.366 0.058 5 HN ALA 93 7.802 7.826 0.035 3 HG3 MET 97 2.215 2.198 0.036 8 QG2 VAL 99 0.958 0.952 0.032 18 HB ILE 101 2.070 2.064 0.031 13 QG2 ILE 101 0.701 0.716 0.037 16 HE22 GLN 102 7.310 7.339 0.038 2 HA ALA 103 4.535 4.545 0.033 3 HB VAL 105 2.122 2.026 0.096 1 HA LYS+ 108 4.238 4.270 0.033 5 HB3 LYS+ 108 1.795 1.791 0.197 5 57 shifts with spread larger than tolerance. - peakcheck: peak deviations Peak Dim Deviation Atom Residue 16 1 0.074 HA THR 39 78 2 0.032 QG2 VAL 99 364 3 -0.996 CB SER 49 389 1 -0.096 HB VAL 105 673 2 -0.053 QB ALA 91 674 2 -0.058 QB ALA 91 679 1 -0.145 HA ALA 91 679 2 -0.058 QB ALA 91 733 1 -0.041 HG3 LYS+ 81 935 1 0.036 HG3 MET 97 940 1 -0.039 HG13 ILE 19 950 2 0.033 QG2 ILE 48 951 2 0.032 QG2 ILE 48 952 2 0.034 QG2 ILE 48 953 2 0.033 QG2 ILE 48 954 2 0.034 QG2 ILE 48 955 2 0.037 QG2 ILE 48 960 1 0.038 QG2 ILE 48 960 2 0.033 QG2 ILE 48 963 2 0.036 QG2 ILE 48 991 2 -0.038 HA GLU- 75 1005 2 0.032 HA LYS+ 108 1051 1 0.197 HB3 LYS+ 108 1051 2 0.032 HA LYS+ 108 1158 1 0.032 QG2 ILE 48 1268 1 0.030 HA VAL 65 1321 1 0.033 HA ALA 103 1374 1 0.031 HN LEU 17 1375 1 0.031 HN LEU 17 1757 1 0.038 HB3 PHE 21 1767 1 -0.078 HN ASN 89 1770 1 -0.750 HD21 ASN 89 1800 1 0.042 QG2 ILE 48 1801 2 0.032 HG3 GLU- 64 1805 2 0.251 HG3 GLU- 64 1836 3 -0.411 CG GLU- 50 1938 2 -0.088 HB VAL 65 1952 2 -0.086 HB VAL 65 1963 1 0.032 HA LYS+ 108 2049 1 -0.170 HB3 LYS+ 55 2049 2 -0.170 HB3 LYS+ 55 2057 2 -0.170 HB3 LYS+ 55 2068 1 0.039 HD3 PRO 86 2105 2 0.337 HB3 GLU- 64 2124 3 -0.490 CB ARG+ 84 2128 3 -0.413 CB ARG+ 84 2154 1 0.043 HN GLU- 56 2155 1 0.035 HN GLU- 56 2533 1 0.064 HA PRO 86 2636 3 -0.458 CG LYS+ 78 2641 3 -0.442 CG LYS+ 78 2667 1 0.036 HN SER 69 2694 1 0.032 HN LYS+ 55 2694 2 -0.032 HG3 LYS+ 55 2694 3 -0.598 CG LYS+ 55 2851 1 0.037 QG2 ILE 48 2865 1 0.034 HN LEU 23 2941 2 0.032 QD2 LEU 90 2991 1 -0.086 HB VAL 65 3302 1 -0.048 QB ALA 91 3302 2 -0.058 QB ALA 91 3389 2 0.032 QD2 LEU 90 3448 3 -0.424 CG LYS+ 78 3449 3 -0.424 CG LYS+ 78 3450 3 -0.424 CG LYS+ 78 3459 1 0.031 HN LEU 17 3485 1 0.046 HN LYS+ 44 3491 2 0.189 HG LEU 90 3500 1 0.031 HN LEU 17 3514 1 0.030 HN GLU- 18 3560 2 -0.200 HB3 GLU- 45 3571 1 0.032 HN LYS+ 44 3574 1 0.031 HA PRO 59 3614 1 0.038 HE22 GLN 102 3635 1 -0.033 HA PRO 31 3682 1 0.042 HN PHE 21 3687 1 0.031 HN ASP- 25 3721 1 0.032 QD1 LEU 23 3735 1 0.255 HG3 LYS+ 78 3736 1 0.263 HG3 LYS+ 78 3751 1 0.042 HN GLU- 18 3805 2 0.033 QG2 ILE 48 3806 2 0.033 QG2 ILE 48 3926 1 0.030 HG13 ILE 48 3927 1 0.043 QG2 ILE 48 3934 1 0.039 HN GLU- 56 3972 1 -0.031 HB ILE 101 3974 1 -0.031 HB ILE 101 4028 1 0.030 HN GLU- 18 4030 1 0.031 HN LEU 17 4058 1 -0.078 HB VAL 65 4058 2 -0.086 HB VAL 65 4063 2 -0.088 HB VAL 65 4070 1 0.035 HN ALA 93 4135 2 0.332 HB3 GLU- 64 4140 1 -0.045 HA LYS+ 44 4142 1 0.032 HN LYS+ 44 4156 2 -0.032 HG3 LYS+ 55 4156 3 -0.598 CG LYS+ 55 4162 1 0.045 HN GLU- 56 4179 1 0.034 HN LEU 23 4268 1 0.051 HN GLN 16 4270 1 0.039 HD3 PRO 86 4272 1 0.066 HA PRO 86 4273 1 0.066 HA PRO 86 4279 1 0.043 HD3 PRO 86 4282 1 0.188 HG LEU 90 4282 2 0.189 HG LEU 90 4283 2 0.189 HG LEU 90 4305 3 -0.413 CB ARG+ 84 4306 3 -0.413 CB ARG+ 84 4315 1 -0.048 HA GLU- 75 4315 2 -0.042 HA GLU- 75 4319 2 -0.038 HA GLU- 75 4354 1 0.030 QG2 ILE 101 4360 1 0.037 QG2 ILE 101 4366 2 -0.170 HB3 LYS+ 55 4368 2 -0.032 HG3 LYS+ 55 4368 3 -0.598 CG LYS+ 55 4369 2 -0.170 HB3 LYS+ 55 4416 1 0.030 HB3 LYS+ 66 4419 1 -0.056 HB THR 39 4420 3 -0.458 CG LYS+ 78 4421 3 -0.458 CG LYS+ 78 4423 3 -0.424 CG LYS+ 78 4424 3 -0.424 CG LYS+ 78 4425 3 -0.424 CG LYS+ 78 4426 3 -0.424 CG LYS+ 78 4427 3 -0.424 CG LYS+ 78 4428 3 -0.424 CG LYS+ 78 4429 3 -0.424 CG LYS+ 78 4460 1 0.034 HN ALA 33 4462 1 0.035 HA LYS+ 20 4463 1 0.035 HA LYS+ 20 4466 2 -0.170 HB3 LYS+ 55 4470 1 0.038 HN LYS+ 55 4513 1 0.080 HA THR 39 4514 1 -0.056 HB THR 39 4532 1 0.036 HN ASN 89 4555 2 -0.170 HB3 LYS+ 55 4568 1 0.031 HN LYS+ 63 4570 1 0.032 HA LYS+ 108 4570 2 0.033 HA LYS+ 108 143 deviations larger than tolerance. ------------------------------------------------------------ Peak list : n15no_54 Proton list: at3g01050_final - peakcheck: read prot at3g01050_final unknown=warn Chemical shift list "at3g01050_final.prot" read, 1043 chemical shifts. - peakcheck: read peaks n15no_54 Peak list "n15no_54.peaks" read, 2239 peaks, 1674 assignments. - peakcheck: atom shift check Atom Residue Shift Median Deviation Peaks HN GLN 16 8.173 8.194 0.051 5 HN LEU 17 8.955 8.986 0.031 5 HN GLU- 18 8.482 8.509 0.042 8 HG13 ILE 19 1.685 1.673 0.039 6 HA LYS+ 20 4.722 4.757 0.035 3 HN PHE 21 8.939 8.963 0.042 5 HB3 PHE 21 2.724 2.737 0.038 11 HN LEU 23 9.288 9.312 0.034 10 QD1 LEU 23 0.586 0.586 0.032 32 HN ASP- 25 7.608 7.633 0.031 2 HA PRO 31 4.995 4.986 0.033 5 HN ALA 33 8.193 8.209 0.034 4 HA THR 39 4.712 4.789 0.080 2 HB THR 39 4.815 4.759 0.056 2 HN LYS+ 44 7.887 7.919 0.046 5 HA LYS+ 44 3.529 3.523 0.045 20 HB3 GLU- 45 2.237 2.239 0.200 10 QG2 ILE 48 0.683 0.716 0.043 16 HG13 ILE 48 1.459 1.465 0.030 8 CB SER 49 63.546 63.538 0.996 5 CG GLU- 50 37.014 36.708 0.411 3 HN LYS+ 55 7.811 7.837 0.038 5 HB3 LYS+ 55 1.946 1.776 0.170 7 CG LYS+ 55 25.848 25.250 0.598 3 HG3 LYS+ 55 1.430 1.398 0.032 5 HN GLU- 56 8.735 8.776 0.045 4 HA PRO 59 4.245 4.261 0.031 7 HN LYS+ 63 7.829 7.847 0.031 5 HB3 GLU- 64 2.023 2.025 0.337 6 HG3 GLU- 64 2.027 2.055 0.251 7 HA VAL 65 4.181 4.203 0.030 4 HB VAL 65 2.098 2.012 0.088 6 HB3 LYS+ 66 1.662 1.657 0.030 8 HN SER 69 8.785 8.814 0.036 5 HA GLU- 75 4.262 4.222 0.048 4 CG LYS+ 78 27.188 26.764 0.458 15 HG3 LYS+ 78 1.376 1.372 0.263 13 HG3 LYS+ 81 1.357 1.342 0.041 5 CB ARG+ 84 31.938 31.565 0.490 9 HA PRO 86 4.409 4.475 0.066 3 HD3 PRO 86 3.819 3.828 0.043 7 HN ASN 89 8.276 8.301 0.078 3 HD21 ASN 89 7.638 7.262 0.750 2 HG LEU 90 1.438 1.627 0.189 4 QD2 LEU 90 0.815 0.836 0.032 5 HA ALA 91 4.383 4.238 0.145 1 QB ALA 91 1.424 1.366 0.058 5 HN ALA 93 7.802 7.826 0.035 3 HG3 MET 97 2.215 2.198 0.036 8 QG2 VAL 99 0.958 0.952 0.032 18 HB ILE 101 2.070 2.064 0.031 13 QG2 ILE 101 0.701 0.716 0.037 16 HE22 GLN 102 7.310 7.339 0.038 2 HA ALA 103 4.535 4.545 0.033 3 HB VAL 105 2.122 2.026 0.096 1 HA LYS+ 108 4.238 4.270 0.033 5 HB3 LYS+ 108 1.795 1.791 0.197 5 57 shifts with spread larger than tolerance. - peakcheck: peak deviations Peak Dim Deviation Atom Residue 16 1 0.074 HA THR 39 78 2 0.032 QG2 VAL 99 364 3 -0.996 CB SER 49 389 1 -0.096 HB VAL 105 673 2 -0.053 QB ALA 91 674 2 -0.058 QB ALA 91 679 1 -0.145 HA ALA 91 679 2 -0.058 QB ALA 91 733 1 -0.041 HG3 LYS+ 81 935 1 0.036 HG3 MET 97 940 1 -0.039 HG13 ILE 19 950 2 0.033 QG2 ILE 48 951 2 0.032 QG2 ILE 48 952 2 0.034 QG2 ILE 48 953 2 0.033 QG2 ILE 48 954 2 0.034 QG2 ILE 48 955 2 0.037 QG2 ILE 48 960 1 0.038 QG2 ILE 48 960 2 0.033 QG2 ILE 48 963 2 0.036 QG2 ILE 48 991 2 -0.038 HA GLU- 75 1005 2 0.032 HA LYS+ 108 1051 1 0.197 HB3 LYS+ 108 1051 2 0.032 HA LYS+ 108 1158 1 0.032 QG2 ILE 48 1268 1 0.030 HA VAL 65 1321 1 0.033 HA ALA 103 1374 1 0.031 HN LEU 17 1375 1 0.031 HN LEU 17 1757 1 0.038 HB3 PHE 21 1767 1 -0.078 HN ASN 89 1770 1 -0.750 HD21 ASN 89 1800 1 0.042 QG2 ILE 48 1801 2 0.032 HG3 GLU- 64 1805 2 0.251 HG3 GLU- 64 1836 3 -0.411 CG GLU- 50 1938 2 -0.088 HB VAL 65 1952 2 -0.086 HB VAL 65 1963 1 0.032 HA LYS+ 108 2049 1 -0.170 HB3 LYS+ 55 2049 2 -0.170 HB3 LYS+ 55 2057 2 -0.170 HB3 LYS+ 55 2068 1 0.039 HD3 PRO 86 2105 2 0.337 HB3 GLU- 64 2124 3 -0.490 CB ARG+ 84 2128 3 -0.413 CB ARG+ 84 2154 1 0.043 HN GLU- 56 2155 1 0.035 HN GLU- 56 2533 1 0.064 HA PRO 86 2636 3 -0.458 CG LYS+ 78 2641 3 -0.442 CG LYS+ 78 2667 1 0.036 HN SER 69 2694 1 0.032 HN LYS+ 55 2694 2 -0.032 HG3 LYS+ 55 2694 3 -0.598 CG LYS+ 55 2851 1 0.037 QG2 ILE 48 2865 1 0.034 HN LEU 23 2941 2 0.032 QD2 LEU 90 2991 1 -0.086 HB VAL 65 3302 1 -0.048 QB ALA 91 3302 2 -0.058 QB ALA 91 3389 2 0.032 QD2 LEU 90 3448 3 -0.424 CG LYS+ 78 3449 3 -0.424 CG LYS+ 78 3450 3 -0.424 CG LYS+ 78 3459 1 0.031 HN LEU 17 3485 1 0.046 HN LYS+ 44 3491 2 0.189 HG LEU 90 3500 1 0.031 HN LEU 17 3514 1 0.030 HN GLU- 18 3560 2 -0.200 HB3 GLU- 45 3571 1 0.032 HN LYS+ 44 3574 1 0.031 HA PRO 59 3614 1 0.038 HE22 GLN 102 3635 1 -0.033 HA PRO 31 3682 1 0.042 HN PHE 21 3687 1 0.031 HN ASP- 25 3721 1 0.032 QD1 LEU 23 3735 1 0.255 HG3 LYS+ 78 3736 1 0.263 HG3 LYS+ 78 3751 1 0.042 HN GLU- 18 3805 2 0.033 QG2 ILE 48 3806 2 0.033 QG2 ILE 48 3926 1 0.030 HG13 ILE 48 3927 1 0.043 QG2 ILE 48 3934 1 0.039 HN GLU- 56 3972 1 -0.031 HB ILE 101 3974 1 -0.031 HB ILE 101 4028 1 0.030 HN GLU- 18 4030 1 0.031 HN LEU 17 4058 1 -0.078 HB VAL 65 4058 2 -0.086 HB VAL 65 4063 2 -0.088 HB VAL 65 4070 1 0.035 HN ALA 93 4135 2 0.332 HB3 GLU- 64 4140 1 -0.045 HA LYS+ 44 4142 1 0.032 HN LYS+ 44 4156 2 -0.032 HG3 LYS+ 55 4156 3 -0.598 CG LYS+ 55 4162 1 0.045 HN GLU- 56 4179 1 0.034 HN LEU 23 4268 1 0.051 HN GLN 16 4270 1 0.039 HD3 PRO 86 4272 1 0.066 HA PRO 86 4273 1 0.066 HA PRO 86 4279 1 0.043 HD3 PRO 86 4282 1 0.188 HG LEU 90 4282 2 0.189 HG LEU 90 4283 2 0.189 HG LEU 90 4305 3 -0.413 CB ARG+ 84 4306 3 -0.413 CB ARG+ 84 4315 1 -0.048 HA GLU- 75 4315 2 -0.042 HA GLU- 75 4319 2 -0.038 HA GLU- 75 4354 1 0.030 QG2 ILE 101 4360 1 0.037 QG2 ILE 101 4366 2 -0.170 HB3 LYS+ 55 4368 2 -0.032 HG3 LYS+ 55 4368 3 -0.598 CG LYS+ 55 4369 2 -0.170 HB3 LYS+ 55 4416 1 0.030 HB3 LYS+ 66 4419 1 -0.056 HB THR 39 4420 3 -0.458 CG LYS+ 78 4421 3 -0.458 CG LYS+ 78 4423 3 -0.424 CG LYS+ 78 4424 3 -0.424 CG LYS+ 78 4425 3 -0.424 CG LYS+ 78 4426 3 -0.424 CG LYS+ 78 4427 3 -0.424 CG LYS+ 78 4428 3 -0.424 CG LYS+ 78 4429 3 -0.424 CG LYS+ 78 4460 1 0.034 HN ALA 33 4462 1 0.035 HA LYS+ 20 4463 1 0.035 HA LYS+ 20 4466 2 -0.170 HB3 LYS+ 55 4470 1 0.038 HN LYS+ 55 4513 1 0.080 HA THR 39 4514 1 -0.056 HB THR 39 4532 1 0.036 HN ASN 89 4555 2 -0.170 HB3 LYS+ 55 4568 1 0.031 HN LYS+ 63 4570 1 0.032 HA LYS+ 108 4570 2 0.033 HA LYS+ 108 143 deviations larger than tolerance. ------------------------------------------------------------ Peak list : c13no_ar_53 Proton list: at3g01050_final - peakcheck: read prot at3g01050_final unknown=warn Chemical shift list "at3g01050_final.prot" read, 1043 chemical shifts. - peakcheck: read peaks c13no_ar_53 Peak list "c13no_ar_53.peaks" read, 226 peaks, 108 assignments. - peakcheck: atom shift check Atom Residue Shift Median Deviation Peaks HB3 PHE 21 2.724 2.755 0.031 1 HB3 LYS+ 55 1.946 1.774 0.172 1 HB3 LYS+ 78 2.147 2.178 0.031 1 3 shifts with spread larger than tolerance. - peakcheck: peak deviations Peak Dim Deviation Atom Residue 300 1 0.031 HB3 PHE 21 342 1 -0.172 HB3 LYS+ 55 474 1 0.031 HB3 LYS+ 78 3 deviations larger than tolerance. - at3g01050: read prot ./at3g01050_final.prot Chemical shift list "./at3g01050_final.prot" read, 1043 chemical shifts. - at3g01050: read peaks ./c13no_54.peaks assigned integrated Peak list "./c13no_54.peaks" read, 1674 peaks, 1674 assignments. - at3g01050: peaks set volume=abs(volume) Volume of 1674 peaks set. - at3g01050: atom shift check Atom Residue Shift Median Deviation Peaks HN GLN 16 8.173 8.194 0.051 5 HN LEU 17 8.955 8.986 0.031 5 HN GLU- 18 8.482 8.509 0.042 8 HG13 ILE 19 1.685 1.673 0.039 6 HA LYS+ 20 4.722 4.757 0.035 3 HN PHE 21 8.939 8.963 0.042 5 HB3 PHE 21 2.724 2.737 0.038 11 HN LEU 23 9.288 9.312 0.034 10 QD1 LEU 23 0.586 0.586 0.032 32 HN ASP- 25 7.608 7.633 0.031 2 HA PRO 31 4.995 4.986 0.033 4 HN ALA 33 8.193 8.209 0.034 4 HA THR 39 4.712 4.789 0.080 2 HB THR 39 4.815 4.759 0.056 2 HN LYS+ 44 7.887 7.919 0.046 5 HA LYS+ 44 3.529 3.523 0.045 18 HB3 GLU- 45 2.237 2.239 0.200 10 QG2 ILE 48 0.683 0.716 0.043 16 HG13 ILE 48 1.459 1.465 0.030 8 CB SER 49 63.546 63.538 0.996 3 CG GLU- 50 37.014 36.708 0.411 3 HN LYS+ 55 7.811 7.837 0.038 5 HB3 LYS+ 55 1.946 1.776 0.170 7 CG LYS+ 55 25.848 25.250 0.598 3 HG3 LYS+ 55 1.430 1.398 0.032 5 HN GLU- 56 8.735 8.776 0.045 4 HA PRO 59 4.245 4.261 0.031 7 HN LYS+ 63 7.829 7.847 0.031 5 HB3 GLU- 64 2.023 2.025 0.337 6 HG3 GLU- 64 2.027 2.055 0.251 7 HA VAL 65 4.181 4.203 0.030 4 HB VAL 65 2.098 2.012 0.088 6 HB3 LYS+ 66 1.662 1.657 0.030 8 HN SER 69 8.785 8.814 0.036 5 HA GLU- 75 4.262 4.222 0.048 4 CG LYS+ 78 27.188 26.764 0.458 14 HG3 LYS+ 78 1.376 1.372 0.263 12 HG3 LYS+ 81 1.357 1.342 0.041 5 CB ARG+ 84 31.938 31.565 0.490 7 HA PRO 86 4.409 4.475 0.066 3 HD3 PRO 86 3.819 3.828 0.043 7 HN ASN 89 8.276 8.301 0.078 3 HD21 ASN 89 7.638 7.262 0.750 2 HG LEU 90 1.438 1.627 0.189 4 QD2 LEU 90 0.815 0.836 0.032 5 HA ALA 91 4.383 4.238 0.145 1 QB ALA 91 1.424 1.366 0.058 5 HN ALA 93 7.802 7.826 0.035 3 HG3 MET 97 2.215 2.198 0.036 8 QG2 VAL 99 0.958 0.953 0.032 17 HB ILE 101 2.070 2.064 0.031 12 QG2 ILE 101 0.701 0.717 0.037 15 HE22 GLN 102 7.310 7.339 0.038 2 HA ALA 103 4.535 4.545 0.033 3 HB VAL 105 2.122 2.026 0.096 1 HA LYS+ 108 4.238 4.270 0.033 5 HB3 LYS+ 108 1.795 1.791 0.197 5 57 shifts with spread larger than tolerance. - at3g01050: caliba bb=2.0E+06 dmax=5.5 Calibration class: backbone 426 of 1674 peaks, 426 of 1674 assignments selected. Calibration function: 2.00E+06 * 1/d**6 375 upper limits added, 2 at lower, 0 at upper limit, average 3.26 A. Calibration class: side-chain 599 of 1674 peaks, 599 of 1674 assignments selected. 599 of 1674 peaks, 599 of 1674 assignments selected. Calibration function: 3.47E+05 * 1/d**4 416 upper limits added, 33 at lower, 17 at upper limit, average 3.89 A. Calibration class: methyl 649 of 1674 peaks, 649 of 1674 assignments selected. Calibration function: 1.16E+05 * 1/d**4 590 upper limits added, 29 at lower, 6 at upper limit, average 4.76 A. - at3g01050: write upl c13no_cal.upl Distance constraint file "c13no_cal.upl" written, 1381 upper limits, 1381 assignments. - at3g01050: distance delete 1381 distance constraints deleted. - at3g01050: read peaks ./n15no_54.peaks assigned integrated Peak list "./n15no_54.peaks" read, 1674 peaks, 1674 assignments. - at3g01050: peaks set volume=abs(volume) Volume of 1674 peaks set. - at3g01050: atom shift check Atom Residue Shift Median Deviation Peaks HN GLN 16 8.173 8.194 0.051 5 HN LEU 17 8.955 8.986 0.031 5 HN GLU- 18 8.482 8.509 0.042 8 HG13 ILE 19 1.685 1.673 0.039 6 HA LYS+ 20 4.722 4.757 0.035 3 HN PHE 21 8.939 8.963 0.042 5 HB3 PHE 21 2.724 2.737 0.038 11 HN LEU 23 9.288 9.312 0.034 10 QD1 LEU 23 0.586 0.586 0.032 32 HN ASP- 25 7.608 7.633 0.031 2 HA PRO 31 4.995 4.986 0.033 4 HN ALA 33 8.193 8.209 0.034 4 HA THR 39 4.712 4.789 0.080 2 HB THR 39 4.815 4.759 0.056 2 HN LYS+ 44 7.887 7.919 0.046 5 HA LYS+ 44 3.529 3.523 0.045 18 HB3 GLU- 45 2.237 2.239 0.200 10 QG2 ILE 48 0.683 0.716 0.043 16 HG13 ILE 48 1.459 1.465 0.030 8 CB SER 49 63.546 63.538 0.996 3 CG GLU- 50 37.014 36.708 0.411 3 HN LYS+ 55 7.811 7.837 0.038 5 HB3 LYS+ 55 1.946 1.776 0.170 7 CG LYS+ 55 25.848 25.250 0.598 3 HG3 LYS+ 55 1.430 1.398 0.032 5 HN GLU- 56 8.735 8.776 0.045 4 HA PRO 59 4.245 4.261 0.031 7 HN LYS+ 63 7.829 7.847 0.031 5 HB3 GLU- 64 2.023 2.025 0.337 6 HG3 GLU- 64 2.027 2.055 0.251 7 HA VAL 65 4.181 4.203 0.030 4 HB VAL 65 2.098 2.012 0.088 6 HB3 LYS+ 66 1.662 1.657 0.030 8 HN SER 69 8.785 8.814 0.036 5 HA GLU- 75 4.262 4.222 0.048 4 CG LYS+ 78 27.188 26.764 0.458 14 HG3 LYS+ 78 1.376 1.372 0.263 12 HG3 LYS+ 81 1.357 1.342 0.041 5 CB ARG+ 84 31.938 31.565 0.490 7 HA PRO 86 4.409 4.475 0.066 3 HD3 PRO 86 3.819 3.828 0.043 7 HN ASN 89 8.276 8.301 0.078 3 HD21 ASN 89 7.638 7.262 0.750 2 HG LEU 90 1.438 1.627 0.189 4 QD2 LEU 90 0.815 0.836 0.032 5 HA ALA 91 4.383 4.238 0.145 1 QB ALA 91 1.424 1.366 0.058 5 HN ALA 93 7.802 7.826 0.035 3 HG3 MET 97 2.215 2.198 0.036 8 QG2 VAL 99 0.958 0.953 0.032 17 HB ILE 101 2.070 2.064 0.031 12 QG2 ILE 101 0.701 0.717 0.037 15 HE22 GLN 102 7.310 7.339 0.038 2 HA ALA 103 4.535 4.545 0.033 3 HB VAL 105 2.122 2.026 0.096 1 HA LYS+ 108 4.238 4.270 0.033 5 HB3 LYS+ 108 1.795 1.791 0.197 5 57 shifts with spread larger than tolerance. - at3g01050: caliba bb=3.0E+06 dmax=5.5 Calibration class: backbone 426 of 1674 peaks, 426 of 1674 assignments selected. Calibration function: 3.00E+06 * 1/d**6 375 upper limits added, 0 at lower, 0 at upper limit, average 3.49 A. Calibration class: side-chain 599 of 1674 peaks, 599 of 1674 assignments selected. 599 of 1674 peaks, 599 of 1674 assignments selected. Calibration function: 5.21E+05 * 1/d**4 416 upper limits added, 13 at lower, 43 at upper limit, average 4.24 A. Calibration class: methyl 649 of 1674 peaks, 649 of 1674 assignments selected. Calibration function: 1.74E+05 * 1/d**4 590 upper limits added, 6 at lower, 30 at upper limit, average 5.12 A. - at3g01050: write upl n15no_cal.upl Distance constraint file "n15no_cal.upl" written, 1381 upper limits, 1381 assignments. - at3g01050: distance delete 1381 distance constraints deleted. - at3g01050: atom shift check Atom Residue Shift Median Deviation Peaks HN GLN 16 8.173 8.194 0.051 5 HN LEU 17 8.955 8.986 0.031 5 HN GLU- 18 8.482 8.509 0.042 8 HG13 ILE 19 1.685 1.673 0.039 6 HA LYS+ 20 4.722 4.757 0.035 3 HN PHE 21 8.939 8.963 0.042 5 HB3 PHE 21 2.724 2.737 0.038 11 HN LEU 23 9.288 9.312 0.034 10 QD1 LEU 23 0.586 0.586 0.032 32 HN ASP- 25 7.608 7.633 0.031 2 HA PRO 31 4.995 4.986 0.033 4 HN ALA 33 8.193 8.209 0.034 4 HA THR 39 4.712 4.789 0.080 2 HB THR 39 4.815 4.759 0.056 2 HN LYS+ 44 7.887 7.919 0.046 5 HA LYS+ 44 3.529 3.523 0.045 18 HB3 GLU- 45 2.237 2.239 0.200 10 QG2 ILE 48 0.683 0.716 0.043 16 HG13 ILE 48 1.459 1.465 0.030 8 CB SER 49 63.546 63.538 0.996 3 CG GLU- 50 37.014 36.708 0.411 3 HN LYS+ 55 7.811 7.837 0.038 5 HB3 LYS+ 55 1.946 1.776 0.170 7 CG LYS+ 55 25.848 25.250 0.598 3 HG3 LYS+ 55 1.430 1.398 0.032 5 HN GLU- 56 8.735 8.776 0.045 4 HA PRO 59 4.245 4.261 0.031 7 HN LYS+ 63 7.829 7.847 0.031 5 HB3 GLU- 64 2.023 2.025 0.337 6 HG3 GLU- 64 2.027 2.055 0.251 7 HA VAL 65 4.181 4.203 0.030 4 HB VAL 65 2.098 2.012 0.088 6 HB3 LYS+ 66 1.662 1.657 0.030 8 HN SER 69 8.785 8.814 0.036 5 HA GLU- 75 4.262 4.222 0.048 4 CG LYS+ 78 27.188 26.764 0.458 14 HG3 LYS+ 78 1.376 1.372 0.263 12 HG3 LYS+ 81 1.357 1.342 0.041 5 CB ARG+ 84 31.938 31.565 0.490 7 HA PRO 86 4.409 4.475 0.066 3 HD3 PRO 86 3.819 3.828 0.043 7 HN ASN 89 8.276 8.301 0.078 3 HD21 ASN 89 7.638 7.262 0.750 2 HG LEU 90 1.438 1.627 0.189 4 QD2 LEU 90 0.815 0.836 0.032 5 HA ALA 91 4.383 4.238 0.145 1 QB ALA 91 1.424 1.366 0.058 5 HN ALA 93 7.802 7.826 0.035 3 HG3 MET 97 2.215 2.198 0.036 8 QG2 VAL 99 0.958 0.953 0.032 17 HB ILE 101 2.070 2.064 0.031 12 QG2 ILE 101 0.701 0.717 0.037 15 HE22 GLN 102 7.310 7.339 0.038 2 HA ALA 103 4.535 4.545 0.033 3 HB VAL 105 2.122 2.026 0.096 1 HA LYS+ 108 4.238 4.270 0.033 5 HB3 LYS+ 108 1.795 1.791 0.197 5 57 shifts with spread larger than tolerance. - at3g01050: read peaks ./c13no_ar_53.peaks assigned integrated Peak list "./c13no_ar_53.peaks" read, 108 peaks, 108 assignments. - at3g01050: peaks set volume=abs(volume) Volume of 108 peaks set. - at3g01050: caliba bb=4.0E+06 dmax=6.0 Calibration class: backbone 1 of 108 peaks, 1 of 108 assignments selected. Calibration function: 4.00E+06 * 1/d**6 0 upper limits added. Calibration class: side-chain 70 of 108 peaks, 70 of 108 assignments selected. 70 of 108 peaks, 70 of 108 assignments selected. Calibration function: 6.94E+05 * 1/d**4 57 upper limits added, 0 at lower, 8 at upper limit, average 6.55 A. Calibration class: methyl 37 of 108 peaks, 37 of 108 assignments selected. Calibration function: 2.31E+05 * 1/d**4 37 upper limits added, 0 at lower, 13 at upper limit, average 7.80 A. - at3g01050: write upl c13no_ar_cal.upl Distance constraint file "c13no_ar_cal.upl" written, 94 upper limits, 94 assignments. - at3g01050: distance delete 94 distance constraints deleted. - at3g01050: read upl c13no_cal.upl Distance constraint file "c13no_cal.upl" read, 1381 upper limits, 1381 assignments. - at3g01050: read upl n15no_cal.upl append Distance constraint file "n15no_cal.upl" read, 1381 upper limits, 1381 assignments. - at3g01050: read upl c13no_ar_cal.upl append Distance constraint file "c13no_ar_cal.upl" read, 94 upper limits, 94 assignments. - at3g01050: distance modify Number of modified constraints: 870 - at3g01050: distance check Distance constraint Score Upper HA LEU 23 - HB VAL 99 8.25 Upper HB VAL 40 - HA ASN 76 3.00 Upper HD3 LYS+ 20 - HB2 ASP- 28 10.75 Upper HG3 LYS+ 20 - HB3 ASP- 28 10.75 Upper HG12 ILE 19 - HB THR 95 11.00 Upper HG13 ILE 68 - HA VAL 73 10.25 Upper HB ILE 68 - HB2 HIS+ 98 12.25 Upper HG13 ILE 68 - HB3 HIS+ 98 12.25 Upper HB2 LYS+ 78 - QE TYR 83 6.50 Upper HZ PHE 21 - HB2 LEU 43 10.00 Upper HB ILE 68 - HN HIS+ 98 12.25 Upper HB3 LYS+ 20 - HD2 PRO 31 7.50 Upper HB2 PHE 21 - HB ILE 29 8.75 Upper QD PHE 34 - HA LEU 43 9.00 Upper HB2 ARG+ 22 - HA HIS+ 98 6.50 Upper HB3 GLU- 18 - HN LYS+ 32 3.75 Upper HA LYS+ 20 - HG3 LYS+ 32 5.75 Upper HE1 TRP 51 - HB2 LYS+ 55 6.75 Upper HB3 LYS+ 78 - QE TYR 83 6.50 Upper HD1 TRP 51 - HB2 LYS+ 55 6.75 Upper HG13 ILE 19 - HB THR 95 11.00 Upper QD1 LEU 23 - QG2 VAL 99 8.25 Upper QG1 VAL 47 - HE3 TRP 51 4.50 Upper QG1 VAL 40 - HA ASN 76 3.00 Upper HB3 SER 69 - QD1 LEU 74 8.75 Upper QE PHE 21 - QG2 THR 46 2.50 Upper QD1 ILE 68 - HA VAL 73 10.25 Upper HN ILE 19 - QB ALA 33 9.50 Upper QD1 ILE 29 - HE3 TRP 51 4.50 Upper QD1 ILE 29 - HD2 PRO 52 4.00 Upper QD1 ILE 48 - HN THR 61 5.00 Upper QD1 ILE 48 - QG2 THR 61 5.00 Upper QD2 LEU 67 - QD2 LEU 74 13.75 Upper QD2 LEU 67 - QD1 LEU 74 13.75 Upper QD PHE 21 - QD1 LEU 67 5.00 Upper HN SER 69 - QD2 LEU 74 8.75 Upper HB3 SER 69 - QD2 LEU 74 8.75 Upper QD1 ILE 48 - HA VAL 62 5.00 Upper HB2 PHE 21 - QG2 VAL 99 7.25 Upper QD1 LEU 23 - QG1 VAL 99 8.25 Upper QD1 ILE 19 - HB THR 95 11.00 Upper QG2 VAL 47 - HE3 TRP 51 4.50 Upper QD1 LEU 23 - HZ2 TRP 51 15.00 Upper QD2 LEU 23 - HZ2 TRP 51 15.00 Upper QD2 LEU 23 - HZ3 TRP 51 15.00 Upper QD1 ILE 68 - HB2 HIS+ 98 12.25 Upper QD1 ILE 68 - HB3 HIS+ 98 12.25 Upper HB2 PRO 59 - QD1 ILE 101 10.00 Upper HG2 GLU- 18 - QB ALA 33 7.25 Upper QD PHE 21 - QD1 ILE 29 8.75 Upper QD1 ILE 29 - HZ3 TRP 51 4.50 Upper HA ILE 19 - QG2 THR 95 11.00 Upper HB2 GLU- 18 - QG1 VAL 94 13.00 Upper HB2 GLU- 18 - QG2 VAL 94 13.00 Upper QD1 LEU 74 - QE TYR 83 6.50 Upper QD PHE 21 - QG2 THR 46 2.50 Upper HB3 PHE 21 - QG2 VAL 99 7.25 Upper QG2 VAL 40 - HA ASN 76 3.00 Upper QE PHE 34 - QD2 LEU 43 9.00 Upper HZ PHE 21 - QD2 LEU 43 10.00 Upper QG2 ILE 19 - QG2 THR 95 11.00 Upper QG2 VAL 40 - QD1 LEU 74 4.00 Upper HB2 PHE 34 - QG2 THR 38 4.75 Upper HN GLN 16 - QB ALA 33 1.00 Upper QG2 ILE 19 - HN PHE 34 13.25 Upper HB THR 39 - QG2 THR 79 5.75 Upper HN VAL 40 - QG2 THR 79 5.25 Upper QE PHE 34 - QG2 THR 46 1.00 Upper QD1 ILE 19 - HB2 PHE 34 13.25 Upper QG1 VAL 40 - QE TYR 83 3.00 Upper HN LYS+ 66 - QD1 ILE 101 2.25 Upper HA ILE 68 - HA VAL 73 10.25 Upper HA ARG+ 22 - HA ASP- 28 2.00 Upper HN VAL 40 - HA THR 79 5.25 Upper HB ILE 19 - QE PHE 34 13.25 Upper HG3 LYS+ 20 - HB2 ASP- 28 10.75 Upper HD3 LYS+ 20 - HB3 ASP- 28 10.75 Upper QD PHE 21 - HB ILE 29 8.75 Upper HZ PHE 21 - HA VAL 47 3.00 Upper HG12 ILE 68 - HA VAL 73 10.25 Upper HG13 ILE 68 - HB2 HIS+ 98 12.25 Upper HB ILE 68 - HB3 HIS+ 98 12.25 Upper HN PHE 21 - HB ILE 29 8.75 Upper HZ PHE 21 - HB3 LEU 43 10.00 Upper HG3 LYS+ 78 - HB3 ASP- 82 8.25 Upper HG3 LYS+ 78 - HB2 ASP- 82 8.25 Upper HB3 LYS+ 20 - HD3 PRO 31 7.50 Upper HB3 PHE 21 - HB ILE 29 8.75 Upper HB3 ARG+ 22 - HA HIS+ 98 6.50 Upper HB2 GLU- 18 - HN LYS+ 32 3.75 Upper HE1 TRP 51 - HB3 LYS+ 55 6.75 Upper HB2 LYS+ 66 - HB ILE 100 3.50 Upper HB3 LYS+ 66 - HB ILE 100 3.50 Upper HG12 ILE 19 - QD PHE 34 13.25 Upper HA LYS+ 20 - HG2 LYS+ 32 5.75 Upper HN SER 69 - QD1 LEU 74 8.75 Upper QD1 LEU 74 - QD TYR 83 6.50 Upper QG2 THR 39 - HB THR 79 5.75 Upper HB2 SER 69 - QD1 LEU 74 8.75 Upper QG2 THR 39 - QG2 THR 79 5.75 Upper HG3 GLU- 45 - QG2 VAL 62 6.50 Upper QD1 LEU 67 - QD1 LEU 74 13.75 Upper QE PHE 21 - QD1 LEU 43 10.00 Upper QD PHE 34 - QG2 THR 38 4.75 Upper QG2 ILE 68 - HN LYS+ 72 4.50 Upper QD PHE 21 - QG2 ILE 29 8.75 Upper QG2 ILE 19 - HG3 MET 97 2.75 Upper QG2 ILE 48 - HB THR 61 5.00 Upper QD1 ILE 29 - HA TRP 51 4.50 Upper QD1 ILE 29 - HA VAL 47 0.00 Upper QD1 ILE 19 - QD PHE 34 13.25 Upper QD1 ILE 48 - HN VAL 62 5.00 Upper QD1 ILE 48 - HA THR 61 5.00 Upper HA VAL 65 - QD1 ILE 101 1.25 Upper HG2 GLU- 45 - QG2 VAL 62 6.50 Upper HB3 GLU- 18 - QG1 VAL 94 13.00 Upper QE PHE 21 - QD1 LEU 67 5.00 Upper QD1 LEU 67 - QD2 LEU 74 13.75 Upper QG2 VAL 40 - QE TYR 83 3.00 Upper HB3 LEU 67 - QD2 LEU 74 13.75 Upper HB2 LEU 67 - QD2 LEU 74 13.75 Upper QD1 LEU 23 - HH2 TRP 51 15.00 Upper QD2 LEU 23 - HD2 PRO 52 11.50 Upper QD2 LEU 23 - HH2 TRP 51 15.00 Upper QD1 LEU 17 - HD3 ARG+ 84 5.00 Upper HB3 PRO 59 - QD1 ILE 101 10.00 Upper HG2 GLU- 18 - QG1 VAL 94 13.00 Upper HG2 GLU- 18 - QG2 VAL 94 13.00 Upper HH2 TRP 51 - QD1 ILE 101 3.00 Upper QD1 ILE 19 - HB3 PHE 34 13.25 Upper QD1 ILE 29 - HH2 TRP 51 4.50 Upper HB2 PHE 34 - QD1 LEU 43 9.00 Upper QG2 THR 38 - HN LEU 43 2.25 Upper QG2 THR 38 - HN ALA 42 2.75 Upper QG2 THR 46 - HN GLU- 50 3.25 Upper QE PHE 21 - QD2 LEU 43 10.00 Upper QD PHE 21 - QD2 LEU 67 5.00 Upper QG2 ILE 19 - HB THR 95 11.00 Upper QG2 ILE 19 - HG2 MET 97 2.75 Upper HG3 GLU- 18 - QB ALA 33 7.25 Upper HB2 SER 69 - QD2 LEU 74 8.75 Upper HB3 PHE 34 - QD1 LEU 43 9.00 Upper QG2 THR 38 - QB ALA 42 2.75 Upper HB3 PHE 34 - QG2 THR 38 4.75 Upper HB2 ARG+ 22 - QG2 THR 96 2.25 Upper HB3 ARG+ 22 - QG2 THR 96 2.25 Upper QD2 LEU 23 - HD3 PRO 52 11.50 Upper QD1 ILE 29 - HD3 PRO 52 4.00 Upper QD2 LEU 17 - HD3 ARG+ 84 5.00 Upper QD1 ILE 19 - HN PHE 34 13.25 Upper HD3 PRO 59 - QG2 ILE 101 10.00 Upper HD3 PRO 59 - QD1 ILE 101 10.00 Upper HD2 PRO 59 - QG2 ILE 101 10.00 Upper HD2 PRO 59 - QD1 ILE 101 10.00 Upper HB2 PRO 59 - QG2 ILE 101 10.00 Upper HB3 PRO 59 - QG2 ILE 101 10.00 Upper QG2 THR 39 - HA THR 79 5.75 Upper QD1 ILE 48 - HB VAL 62 5.00 Upper HZ PHE 34 - QG2 THR 46 1.00 Upper QG1 VAL 40 - QD1 LEU 74 4.00 Upper HB ILE 19 - QD PHE 34 13.25 Upper QE PHE 21 - QE PHE 34 0.00 Upper HD1 TRP 51 - HB3 LYS+ 55 6.75 Upper HN GLU- 75 - QE TYR 83 3.50 Upper HA LEU 74 - QE TYR 83 6.50 Upper HG LEU 23 - HH2 TRP 51 15.00 Upper QE PHE 21 - HG LEU 43 10.00 Upper HN LYS+ 78 - QE TYR 83 6.50 Upper HG13 ILE 19 - QD PHE 34 13.25 Upper QE PHE 34 - QG2 THR 38 4.75 Upper QD1 ILE 19 - QE PHE 34 13.25 Upper HZ2 TRP 51 - QD1 ILE 101 3.00 Upper QD2 LEU 74 - QE TYR 83 6.50 Upper QD2 LEU 74 - QD TYR 83 6.50 Upper QG2 ILE 19 - QE PHE 34 13.25 Upper QE PHE 34 - QD1 LEU 43 9.00 Upper QG2 ILE 19 - QD PHE 34 13.25 Upper QE PHE 21 - QD2 LEU 67 5.00 Upper HZ PHE 21 - QD1 LEU 43 10.00 Upper QD1 LEU 23 - HZ3 TRP 51 15.00 Upper HZ3 TRP 51 - QD1 ILE 101 3.00 Upper QE2 GLN 16 - QB ALA 33 1.00 Upper QB LEU 17 - QD ARG+ 84 5.00 Upper QQD LEU 17 - QD ARG+ 84 5.00 Upper QD1 LEU 17 - HD2 ARG+ 84 5.00 Upper QD2 LEU 17 - HD2 ARG+ 84 5.00 Upper HA GLU- 18 - QQG VAL 94 13.00 Upper QB GLU- 18 - HA VAL 94 13.00 Upper QB GLU- 18 - QQG VAL 94 13.00 Upper HB3 GLU- 18 - QG2 VAL 94 13.00 Upper QG GLU- 18 - HA LYS+ 32 3.75 Upper QG GLU- 18 - QB ALA 33 7.25 Upper QG GLU- 18 - QQG VAL 94 13.00 Upper HG3 GLU- 18 - QG1 VAL 94 13.00 Upper HG3 GLU- 18 - QG2 VAL 94 13.00 Upper QG2 ILE 19 - QB MET 97 2.75 Upper QG1 ILE 19 - HB THR 95 11.00 Upper QG1 ILE 19 - QG2 THR 95 11.00 Upper QD1 ILE 19 - QB PHE 34 13.25 Upper HN LYS+ 20 - QQG VAL 94 2.00 Upper HA LYS+ 20 - QG LYS+ 32 5.75 Upper QB LYS+ 20 - HA PRO 31 7.50 Upper QB LYS+ 20 - QG PRO 31 7.50 Upper QB LYS+ 20 - QD PRO 31 7.50 Upper HB2 LYS+ 20 - HD2 PRO 31 7.50 Upper HB2 LYS+ 20 - HD3 PRO 31 7.50 Upper QB LYS+ 20 - QG2 THR 96 5.00 Upper QG LYS+ 20 - QB ASP- 28 10.75 Upper HG2 LYS+ 20 - HB2 ASP- 28 10.75 Upper HG2 LYS+ 20 - HB3 ASP- 28 10.75 Upper QG LYS+ 20 - HA THR 96 5.00 Upper QD LYS+ 20 - QB ASP- 28 10.75 Upper HD2 LYS+ 20 - HB2 ASP- 28 10.75 Upper HD2 LYS+ 20 - HB3 ASP- 28 10.75 Upper QE LYS+ 20 - QG2 THR 96 5.00 Upper HA PHE 21 - QQG VAL 99 7.25 Upper QB PHE 21 - HB ILE 29 8.75 Upper QB PHE 21 - QQG VAL 99 7.25 Upper HB2 PHE 21 - QG1 VAL 99 7.25 Upper HB3 PHE 21 - QG1 VAL 99 7.25 Upper QD PHE 21 - QQG VAL 47 3.00 Upper QD PHE 21 - QQD LEU 67 5.00 Upper QD PHE 21 - QB MET 97 2.25 Upper QD PHE 21 - QQG VAL 99 7.25 Upper QE PHE 21 - QB LEU 43 10.00 Upper QE PHE 21 - QQD LEU 43 10.00 Upper QE PHE 21 - QQG VAL 47 3.00 Upper QE PHE 21 - QQD LEU 67 5.00 Upper HZ PHE 21 - QB LEU 43 10.00 Upper HZ PHE 21 - QQD LEU 43 10.00 Upper HN ARG+ 22 - QQG VAL 99 9.00 Upper QB ARG+ 22 - QG2 THR 96 2.25 Upper QB ARG+ 22 - HA HIS+ 98 6.50 Upper QQD LEU 23 - QD1 ILE 29 0.25 Upper QQD LEU 23 - HA TRP 51 15.00 Upper QQD LEU 23 - QB TRP 51 15.00 Upper QQD LEU 23 - HE3 TRP 51 15.00 Upper QQD LEU 23 - HZ3 TRP 51 15.00 Upper QQD LEU 23 - HZ2 TRP 51 15.00 Upper QQD LEU 23 - HH2 TRP 51 15.00 Upper QQD LEU 23 - QG PRO 52 11.50 Upper QQD LEU 23 - QD PRO 52 11.50 Upper QD1 LEU 23 - HD2 PRO 52 11.50 Upper QD1 LEU 23 - HD3 PRO 52 11.50 Upper QQD LEU 23 - HN VAL 99 8.25 Upper QQD LEU 23 - HB VAL 99 8.25 Upper QQD LEU 23 - QQG VAL 99 8.25 Upper QD2 LEU 23 - QG1 VAL 99 8.25 Upper QD2 LEU 23 - QG2 VAL 99 8.25 Upper QD1 ILE 29 - QD PRO 52 4.00 Upper HA PRO 31 - QQG VAL 94 1.00 Upper QG PRO 31 - QQG VAL 94 1.00 Upper QB PHE 34 - QG2 THR 38 4.75 Upper QB PHE 34 - QQD LEU 43 9.00 Upper HB2 PHE 34 - QD2 LEU 43 9.00 Upper HB3 PHE 34 - QD2 LEU 43 9.00 Upper QD PHE 34 - QQD LEU 43 9.00 Upper QE PHE 34 - QQD LEU 43 9.00 Upper HB THR 38 - QQG VAL 80 1.50 Upper QG2 THR 38 - QQD LEU 43 2.25 Upper HA THR 39 - QQG VAL 80 3.75 Upper QQG VAL 40 - QQD LEU 74 4.00 Upper QG1 VAL 40 - QD2 LEU 74 4.00 Upper QG2 VAL 40 - QD2 LEU 74 4.00 Upper QQG VAL 40 - HA ASN 76 3.00 Upper QQG VAL 40 - HN LYS+ 78 2.50 Upper QQG VAL 40 - HA THR 79 5.25 Upper QQG VAL 40 - HA VAL 80 3.00 Upper QQG VAL 40 - QD TYR 83 3.00 Upper QQG VAL 40 - QE TYR 83 3.00 Upper QG LYS+ 44 - HB VAL 62 3.50 Upper HN GLU- 45 - QQG VAL 62 6.50 Upper HA GLU- 45 - QQG VAL 62 6.50 Upper QG GLU- 45 - QQG VAL 62 6.50 Upper HG2 GLU- 45 - QG1 VAL 62 6.50 Upper HG3 GLU- 45 - QG1 VAL 62 6.50 Upper QG2 THR 46 - QB GLU- 50 3.25 Upper HA VAL 47 - QB TRP 51 4.50 Upper HB VAL 47 - QQD LEU 67 1.00 Upper QQG VAL 47 - HE3 TRP 51 4.50 Upper QQG VAL 47 - HZ3 TRP 51 4.50 Upper QQG VAL 47 - QQD LEU 67 1.00 Upper QD1 ILE 48 - QQG VAL 62 5.00 Upper HD1 TRP 51 - QB LYS+ 55 6.75 Upper HE1 TRP 51 - QB LYS+ 55 6.75 Upper HE1 TRP 51 - QG LYS+ 55 6.75 Upper HE1 TRP 51 - QA GLY 58 0.00 Upper HZ3 TRP 51 - QQG VAL 99 1.00 Upper HH2 TRP 51 - QQG VAL 99 1.00 Upper HH2 TRP 51 - QG1 ILE 101 3.00 Upper QB PRO 59 - QG2 ILE 101 10.00 Upper QB PRO 59 - QD1 ILE 101 10.00 Upper QD PRO 59 - QD1 ILE 101 10.00 Upper HN THR 61 - QQG VAL 65 0.50 Upper QB LYS+ 66 - HB ILE 100 3.50 Upper QB LEU 67 - QB LEU 74 13.75 Upper QB LEU 67 - QQD LEU 74 13.75 Upper HB2 LEU 67 - QD1 LEU 74 13.75 Upper HB3 LEU 67 - QD1 LEU 74 13.75 Upper QQD LEU 67 - HA LEU 74 13.75 Upper QQD LEU 67 - QB LEU 74 13.75 Upper QQD LEU 67 - QQD LEU 74 13.75 Upper QQD LEU 67 - HA VAL 99 4.50 Upper QQD LEU 67 - HN ILE 100 2.25 Upper HN ILE 68 - QB HIS+ 98 12.25 Upper HA ILE 68 - QQD LEU 74 13.00 Upper HB ILE 68 - QB HIS+ 98 12.25 Upper QG1 ILE 68 - HA VAL 73 10.25 Upper QG1 ILE 68 - QB HIS+ 98 12.25 Upper HG12 ILE 68 - HB2 HIS+ 98 12.25 Upper HG12 ILE 68 - HB3 HIS+ 98 12.25 Upper QD1 ILE 68 - QB HIS+ 98 12.25 Upper HA SER 69 - QQD LEU 74 8.75 Upper QB SER 69 - QQD LEU 74 8.75 Upper QQD LEU 74 - QD TYR 83 6.50 Upper QQD LEU 74 - QE TYR 83 6.50 Upper HA LYS+ 78 - QB ASP- 82 8.25 Upper QB LYS+ 78 - QE TYR 83 6.50 Upper QG LYS+ 78 - QB ASP- 82 8.25 Upper HG2 LYS+ 78 - HB2 ASP- 82 8.25 Upper HG2 LYS+ 78 - HB3 ASP- 82 8.25 - at3g01050: write upl at3g01050.upl Distance constraint file "at3g01050.upl" written, 870 upper limits, 870 assignments. - at3g01050: read aco at3g01050_1215.aco Angle constraint file "at3g01050_1215.aco" read, 110 constraints for 110 angles. - at3g01050: distance stat Residue intra short med long Total 307 163 127 273 - at3g01050: calc_all 100 command=anneal steps=10000 100 structures selected. 100 random structures created (seed 35621). Structure annealed in 35 s, f = 0.850880. Structure annealed in 35 s, f = 1.49490. Structure annealed in 36 s, f = 3.53482. Structure annealed in 36 s, f = 3.63838. Structure annealed in 35 s, f = 8.57707. Structure annealed in 36 s, f = 0.340611. Structure annealed in 36 s, f = 6.24053. Structure annealed in 36 s, f = 0.329134. Structure annealed in 36 s, f = 0.515682. Structure annealed in 37 s, f = 0.313805. Structure annealed in 35 s, f = 0.386764. Structure annealed in 35 s, f = 11.6914. Structure annealed in 35 s, f = 0.491043. Structure annealed in 35 s, f = 3.43004. Structure annealed in 37 s, f = 0.290538. Structure annealed in 35 s, f = 0.316846. Structure annealed in 36 s, f = 0.259895. Structure annealed in 35 s, f = 0.201091. Structure annealed in 35 s, f = 0.817600. Structure annealed in 35 s, f = 0.279975. Structure annealed in 36 s, f = 3.79988. Structure annealed in 36 s, f = 6.28504. Structure annealed in 36 s, f = 0.357379. Structure annealed in 35 s, f = 0.684813. Structure annealed in 36 s, f = 0.227479. Structure annealed in 36 s, f = 0.250274. Structure annealed in 36 s, f = 0.244791. Structure annealed in 35 s, f = 0.389533. Structure annealed in 36 s, f = 0.975572. Structure annealed in 35 s, f = 0.228191. Structure annealed in 36 s, f = 3.89001. Structure annealed in 36 s, f = 0.587128. Structure annealed in 37 s, f = 0.347872. Structure annealed in 36 s, f = 4.06909. Structure annealed in 35 s, f = 0.640992. Structure annealed in 36 s, f = 0.461507. Structure annealed in 36 s, f = 0.310489. Structure annealed in 36 s, f = 53.2894. Structure annealed in 36 s, f = 0.229717. Structure annealed in 35 s, f = 0.353618. Structure annealed in 35 s, f = 0.419860. Structure annealed in 35 s, f = 0.269587. Structure annealed in 37 s, f = 52.8086. Structure annealed in 36 s, f = 26.1700. Structure annealed in 35 s, f = 5.85481. Structure annealed in 36 s, f = 0.833249. Structure annealed in 37 s, f = 0.212902. Structure annealed in 36 s, f = 0.340729. Structure annealed in 37 s, f = 0.753105. Structure annealed in 35 s, f = 4.70797. Structure annealed in 37 s, f = 50.3952. Structure annealed in 35 s, f = 0.517207. Structure annealed in 35 s, f = 3.19761. Structure annealed in 36 s, f = 0.219623. Structure annealed in 36 s, f = 62.2135. Structure annealed in 36 s, f = 0.257855. Structure annealed in 35 s, f = 3.67428. Structure annealed in 37 s, f = 0.409810. Structure annealed in 36 s, f = 0.288941. Structure annealed in 36 s, f = 0.315718. Structure annealed in 35 s, f = 0.469074. Structure annealed in 35 s, f = 4.29958. Structure annealed in 35 s, f = 3.66455. Structure annealed in 35 s, f = 3.51755. Structure annealed in 35 s, f = 0.751915. Structure annealed in 35 s, f = 0.410502. Structure annealed in 35 s, f = 3.34887. Structure annealed in 36 s, f = 26.0573. Structure annealed in 35 s, f = 1.04564. Structure annealed in 35 s, f = 0.391207. Structure annealed in 36 s, f = 0.204420. Structure annealed in 36 s, f = 34.6773. Structure annealed in 35 s, f = 0.601164. Structure annealed in 37 s, f = 71.4529. Structure annealed in 36 s, f = 0.379261. Structure annealed in 36 s, f = 0.442112. Structure annealed in 36 s, f = 0.430158. Structure annealed in 36 s, f = 0.375780. Structure annealed in 36 s, f = 0.458603. Structure annealed in 37 s, f = 67.1601. Structure annealed in 37 s, f = 0.466812. Structure annealed in 36 s, f = 0.519664. Structure annealed in 36 s, f = 49.6136. Structure annealed in 35 s, f = 3.79075. Structure annealed in 35 s, f = 3.96061. Structure annealed in 36 s, f = 0.458338. Structure annealed in 35 s, f = 5.75836. Structure annealed in 35 s, f = 0.442179. Structure annealed in 36 s, f = 0.585030. Structure annealed in 35 s, f = 0.372414. Structure annealed in 36 s, f = 0.449886. Structure annealed in 36 s, f = 3.38672. Structure annealed in 36 s, f = 0.350617. Structure annealed in 35 s, f = 3.61038. Structure annealed in 36 s, f = 0.920881. Structure annealed in 35 s, f = 5.51048. Structure annealed in 36 s, f = 35.3341. Structure annealed in 35 s, f = 0.811173. Structure annealed in 36 s, f = 0.691716. Structure annealed in 36 s, f = 0.210128. 100 structures finished in 898 s (8 s/structure). - at3g01050: overview structures=20 range=15..84,90..104 cor full 20 structures selected. Structural statistics: str target upper limits van der Waals torsion angles function # sum max # sum max # sum max 1 0.20 0 1.1 0.19 0 0.6 0.11 0 2.7 1.01 2 0.20 1 1.0 0.24 0 0.7 0.09 0 2.7 0.74 3 0.21 0 1.0 0.19 0 0.8 0.09 0 3.5 0.97 4 0.21 0 1.2 0.17 0 0.5 0.10 0 5.3 3.20 5 0.22 0 1.1 0.19 0 0.7 0.10 0 2.6 1.01 6 0.23 1 1.3 0.23 0 0.7 0.11 0 5.2 0.95 7 0.23 1 1.0 0.24 0 0.7 0.11 0 3.3 0.75 8 0.23 0 1.3 0.19 0 0.8 0.11 0 4.0 0.98 9 0.24 0 1.5 0.19 0 0.8 0.10 0 4.0 0.98 10 0.25 1 1.3 0.23 0 0.8 0.09 0 4.2 1.44 11 0.26 1 1.1 0.23 0 0.9 0.11 0 3.4 1.21 12 0.26 1 1.5 0.23 0 0.8 0.10 0 4.6 1.15 13 0.27 1 1.2 0.23 0 0.9 0.11 0 3.5 0.87 14 0.28 1 1.7 0.23 0 0.9 0.11 0 4.8 0.84 15 0.29 0 1.3 0.19 0 1.2 0.15 0 2.6 0.94 16 0.29 1 1.2 0.23 0 1.3 0.15 0 5.7 1.16 17 0.31 1 1.4 0.23 0 0.9 0.10 0 2.7 1.35 18 0.31 2 1.6 0.24 0 1.2 0.10 0 5.4 1.45 19 0.32 2 1.4 0.24 0 1.0 0.11 0 3.7 0.93 20 0.32 1 1.4 0.23 0 0.9 0.15 0 2.6 1.08 Ave 0.26 1 1.3 0.22 0 0.9 0.11 0 3.8 1.15 +/- 3.87E-02 1 0.2 0.02 0 0.2 0.02 0 1.0 0.51 Min 0.20 0 1.0 0.17 0 0.5 0.09 0 2.6 0.74 Max 0.32 2 1.7 0.24 0 1.3 0.15 0 5.7 3.20 Overview file "at3g01050.ovw" written. DG coordinate file "at3g01050.cor" written, 20 conformers. - at3g01050: ramachandran nobackground label Struct fav add gen dis ------ --- --- --- --- 1 64 18 6 0 2 65 18 5 0 3 70 12 5 1 (LYS+ 63) 4 67 17 3 1 (LYS+ 63) 5 66 19 2 1 (LYS+ 63) 6 65 17 5 1 (LYS+ 108) 7 70 15 1 2 (HIS+ 14, ASN 57) 8 63 20 2 3 (ASN 57, LYS+ 63, LYS+ 108) 9 64 16 7 1 (ASN 57) 10 68 18 2 0 11 68 10 6 4 (LYS+ 60, LYS+ 63, VAL 87, GLU- 109) 12 65 14 5 4 (ALA 11, LYS+ 63, GLU- 107, GLU- 109) 13 66 17 5 0 14 62 23 2 1 (LYS+ 63) 15 64 17 5 2 (ALA 11, GLU- 107) 16 67 18 3 0 17 62 24 1 1 (VAL 87) 18 63 18 3 4 (LYS+ 63, SER 77, LYS+ 108, GLU- 109) 19 68 13 5 2 (ASN 57, LYS+ 63) 20 69 13 4 2 (ASN 57, LYS+ 63) all 75% 19% 4% 2% Postscript file "ramachandran.ps" written. cyana>