+----------<<< P R O C H E C K S U M M A R Y >>>----------+ | | | /tmp/nmrcheck919061/analyzed_5.pdb 2.0 101 residues | | | *| Ramachandran plot: 80.7% core 11.4% allow 6.8% gener 1.1% disall | | | *| All Ramachandrans: 11 labelled residues (out of 99) | *| Chi1-chi2 plots: 5 labelled residues (out of 55) | | | | Main-chain params: 6 better 0 inside 0 worse | *| Side-chain params: 0 better 0 inside 5 worse | | | +| Residue properties: Max.deviation: 4.0 Bad contacts: 7 | | Bond len/angle: 2.7 Morris et al class: 1 4 3 | | | | G-factors Dihedrals: -.28 Covalent: .39 Overall: -.01 | | | | M/c bond lengths:100.0% within limits .0% highlighted | | M/c bond angles: 93.3% within limits 6.7% highlighted | | Planar groups: 100.0% within limits .0% highlighted | | | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ + May be worth investigating further. * Worth investigating further.