# Pbox 48.30 61 1951 0.0 0 1.0000 21.72024 5 # VJ1.1C pw (us) pwr pwrf dres dmf dcyc B1max (kHz) Stype # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Pxsim 0.0000483 10351.9669 0.000 110567.6 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.00 # data: pw (s) B1max (Hz) status sw (Hz) T1 (s) T2 (s) RDC (Hz) # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Pbox.inp data : # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Waves~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # shape bw(/pw) ofs st ph fla trev d1 d2 d0 wrp php # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ # { square180n 17786.9463412 1507.4 } # # type = r mod = n dres = n # steps = n stepsize = n attn = 61.000E # refofs = n wrap = n sfrq = n # sucyc = d reps = 2.000 header = y # bscor = n pad1 = n pad2 = n # bsim = n T1 = n T2 = n # rdc = n dcyc = n sw = n # # RF Calibration Data : ref_pwr = 61 ref_pw90 = 11.51 # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ### # ------------------- Shape data ------------------ # pwtot = 0.0000483 (total pw, s) # power = 61 (power level, dB) # pwrf = 1951 (fine power) # B1max = 21.7202 (B1max, kHz) # nptot = 23 (total number of steps) # stepsize = 2.10 (length of a single step, us) # maxamp = 1024.0 (max amplitude) # maximum phase increment = 1.14 deg # ------------------------------------------------- # phase amplitude length gate # ------------------------------------------------- 334.359 1023.000 1.0 1 335.499 1023.000 1.0 1 336.638 1023.000 1.0 1 337.778 1023.000 1.0 1 338.918 1023.000 1.0 1 340.057 1023.000 1.0 1 341.197 1023.000 1.0 1 342.336 1023.000 1.0 1 343.476 1023.000 1.0 1 344.615 1023.000 1.0 1 345.755 1023.000 1.0 1 346.895 1023.000 1.0 1 348.034 1023.000 1.0 1 349.174 1023.000 1.0 1 350.313 1023.000 1.0 1 351.453 1023.000 1.0 1 352.593 1023.000 1.0 1 353.732 1023.000 1.0 1 354.872 1023.000 1.0 1 356.011 1023.000 1.0 1 357.151 1023.000 1.0 1 358.291 1023.000 1.0 1 359.430 1023.000 1.0 1