COMMAND: initlib ... reading fragment definition library '/usr/local/lib/garant-2.1.2/lib/pseudecepp.lib' ... reading library '/usr/local/lib/garant-2.1.2/lib/atomname.lib' defining equivalent atom names ... reading library '/usr/local/lib/garant-2.1.2/lib/shift.lib' defining 2nd structure dependent shifts ... reading library '/usr/local/lib/garant-2.1.2/lib/spinsystem.lib' defining fragments with equivalent spin systems ... Ready. COMMAND: seed random numbers 23928 COMMAND: spectrum N15H1 COMMAND: load peaks N15H1 0 ./hs15n ... 170 peaks added, 170 peaks defined COMMAND: spectrum HNCA COMMAND: load peaks HNCA 1 ./hnca_edit ... 295 peaks added, 295 peaks defined COMMAND: spectrum HN_CO_CA COMMAND: load peaks HN_CO_CA 2 ./hncoca_spscan ... 156 peaks added, 156 peaks defined COMMAND: spectrum HNCO COMMAND: load peaks HNCO 3 ./hnco_edit ... 157 peaks added, 157 peaks defined COMMAND: spectrum CBCANH COMMAND: load peaks CBCANH 4 ./hncacb_edit ... 584 peaks added, 584 peaks defined COMMAND: spectrum C_CO_NH COMMAND: load peaks C_CO_NH 5 ./cconh_spscan ... 539 peaks added, 539 peaks defined COMMAND: spectrum HC_CO_NH COMMAND: load peaks HC_CO_NH 6 ./hcconh_spscan ... 381 peaks added, 381 peaks defined COMMAND: spectrum HN_CA_CO COMMAND: load peaks HN_CA_CO 7 ./hncaco_spscan ... 306 peaks added, 306 peaks defined COMMAND: load sequence at5g39720.seq WARNING: Expected CB shift depends on whether CYS (reduced) or CYSS (oxidized) is used ... 173 fragments with 3227 atoms defined COMMAND: load comparison sequence at5g39720.seq WARNING: Expected CB shift depends on whether CYS (reduced) or CYSS (oxidized) is used ... 346 fragments with 6454 atoms defined COMMAND: define atom probability HE(GLN) 1 ... 36 atom scores set COMMAND: define atom probability HD(ASN) 1 ... 48 atom scores set COMMAND: define atom probability HE(ARG) 1 ... 0 atom scores set COMMAND: define atom probability NZ(LYS) 1 ... 0 atom scores set COMMAND: define atom probability CD(GLN) 1 ... 12 atom scores set COMMAND: define atom probability CG(ASN) 1 ... 16 atom scores set COMMAND: define atom probability CD(GLU) 1 ... 0 atom scores set COMMAND: define atom probability CG(ASP) 1 ... 0 atom scores set COMMAND: make coherences ... coherences generated: 5908 coherences ... 1444 pseudo coherences defined COMMAND: make couplings ... 16364 scalar couplings generated COMMAND: make peaks ... N15H1 peaks generated: 404 peaks, 5908 coherences ... HNCA peaks generated: 1080 peaks, 5908 coherences ... HN_CO_CA peaks generated: 1410 peaks, 5908 coherences ... HNCO peaks generated: 1740 peaks, 5908 coherences ... CBCANH peaks generated: 3046 peaks, 5908 coherences ... C_CO_NH peaks generated: 4062 peaks, 5908 coherences ... HC_CO_NH peaks generated: 5562 peaks, 5908 coherences ... HN_CA_CO peaks generated: 6222 peaks, 5908 coherences COMMAND: load comparison assignments N15H1 0 ./4/hs15n_4 at5g39720.prot 0 ... 135 assignment possibilities read 0 assignments with no corresponding peak 170 assignments with a unique peak 0 assignments with multiple peaks COMMAND: load comparison assignments HNCA 1 ./4/hnca_edit_4 at5g39720.prot 0 ... 234 assignment possibilities read 0 assignments with no corresponding peak 295 assignments with a unique peak 0 assignments with multiple peaks COMMAND: load comparison assignments HNCO 3 ./4/hnco_edit_4 at5g39720.prot 0 ... 129 assignment possibilities read 0 assignments with no corresponding peak 157 assignments with a unique peak 0 assignments with multiple peaks COMMAND: load comparison assignments HN_CO_CA 2 ./4/hncoca_spscan_4 at5g39720.prot 0 ... 130 assignment possibilities read 0 assignments with no corresponding peak 156 assignments with a unique peak 0 assignments with multiple peaks COMMAND: load comparison assignments CBCANH 4 ./4/hncacb_edit_4 at5g39720.prot 0 ... 377 assignment possibilities read 0 assignments with no corresponding peak 584 assignments with a unique peak 0 assignments with multiple peaks COMMAND: load comparison assignments C_CO_NH 5 ./4/cconh_spscan_4 at5g39720.prot 0 ... 338 assignment possibilities read 0 assignments with no corresponding peak 539 assignments with a unique peak 0 assignments with multiple peaks COMMAND: load comparison assignments HC_CO_NH 6 ./4/hcconh_spscan_4 at5g39720.prot 0 ... 322 assignment possibilities read 0 assignments with no corresponding peak 381 assignments with a unique peak 0 assignments with multiple peaks COMMAND: load comparison assignments HN_CA_CO 7 ./4/hncaco_spscan_4 at5g39720.prot 0 ... 204 assignment possibilities read 0 assignments with no corresponding peak 306 assignments with a unique peak 0 assignments with multiple peaks COMMAND: check inconsistencies COMMAND: criteria fragment intrainter intra 0 0 COMMAND: criteria fragment intrainter seq 1 1 COMMAND: criteria fragment correct ok COMMAND: criteria comment on ok COMMAND: criteria fragment correct okN N COMMAND: criteria comment on okN COMMAND: criteria fragment correct okHN HN COMMAND: criteria comment on okHN COMMAND: criteria fragment correct okCA CA COMMAND: criteria comment on okCA COMMAND: criteria fragment mapping map COMMAND: criteria comment on map COMMAND: criteria comment on intra COMMAND: criteria threshold intra 0.6 0.8 COMMAND: initialize optimization possibilities 25 Frequency limits for nuclei of type Proton: [ 0.68,10.15] Frequency limits for nuclei of type Carbon: [11.10,182.80] Frequency limits for nuclei of type Nitrogen: [110.00,136.73] Frequency limits for nuclei of type Phosphor: [ 0.00, 0.00] Bonus for assigned N15H1 0 peak: 2.59 Bonus for assigned HNCA 1 peak: 2.41 Bonus for assigned HN_CO_CA 2 peak: 2.69 Bonus for assigned HNCO 3 peak: 2.69 Bonus for assigned CBCANH 4 peak: 1.76 Bonus for assigned C_CO_NH 5 peak: 1.73 Bonus for assigned HC_CO_NH 6 peak: 1.34 Bonus for assigned HN_CA_CO 7 peak: 2.42 w1 of N15H1 0: 194 different coherences assigned range of measured peaks: [106.21,134.69] standard deviation of peak picking: 0.0750 bonus for assignments: 4.4465 4.4289 4.3745 4.2793 4.1365 3.9376 3.6739 3.3379 2.9250 2.4341 1.8671 1.2270 0.5173 -0.2592 -1.1007 -2.0060 | -8.0302 penalties for degeneracies: -0.5743 -0.5607 -0.5213 -0.4602 -0.3843 -0.3019 -0.2219 -0.1517 -0.0958 -0.0554 -0.0287 -0.0126 -0.0035 0.0012 0.0035 0.0045 | 0.0052 bonus spectrum frequencies: 5.02 w2 of N15H1 0: 202 different coherences assigned range of measured peaks: [ 6.37,11.19] standard deviation of peak picking: 0.0063 bonus for assignments: 4.8060 4.7935 4.7548 4.6853 4.5780 4.4224 4.2064 3.9177 3.5468 3.0890 2.5451 1.9197 1.2184 0.4462 -0.3931 -1.2973 | -8.0412 penalties for degeneracies: -0.9243 -0.9055 -0.8505 -0.7637 -0.6523 -0.5267 -0.3989 -0.2813 -0.1835 -0.1101 -0.0602 -0.0294 -0.0119 -0.0028 0.0016 0.0036 | 0.0050 bonus spectrum frequencies: 5.73 w1 of HNCA 1: 173 different coherences assigned range of measured peaks: [ 6.57,11.19] standard deviation of peak picking: 0.0063 bonus for assignments: 4.6932 4.6815 4.6452 4.5801 4.4787 4.3308 4.1238 3.8446 3.4824 3.0318 2.4932 1.8712 1.1719 0.4008 -0.4380 -1.3420 | -8.0399 penalties for degeneracies: -0.9917 -0.9721 -0.9147 -0.8236 -0.7062 -0.5729 -0.4361 -0.3091 -0.2026 -0.1219 -0.0667 -0.0325 -0.0130 -0.0029 0.0021 0.0043 | 0.0058 bonus spectrum frequencies: 5.68 w2 of HNCA 1: 173 different coherences assigned range of measured peaks: [107.64,134.78] standard deviation of peak picking: 0.0750 bonus for assignments: 4.3688 4.3517 4.2989 4.2062 4.0667 3.8718 3.6123 3.2802 2.8707 2.3824 1.8171 1.1781 0.4690 -0.3072 -1.1486 -2.0537 | -8.0285 penalties for degeneracies: -0.6037 -0.5895 -0.5486 -0.4850 -0.4057 -0.3194 -0.2352 -0.1610 -0.1018 -0.0589 -0.0304 -0.0132 -0.0035 0.0015 0.0040 0.0051 | 0.0058 bonus spectrum frequencies: 4.97 w3 of HNCA 1: 181 different coherences assigned range of measured peaks: [36.71,70.59] standard deviation of peak picking: 0.0750 bonus for assignments: 4.5060 4.4902 4.4416 4.3556 4.2252 4.0412 3.7933 3.4725 3.0727 2.5919 2.0317 1.3960 0.6887 -0.0866 -0.9274 -1.8324 | -8.0332 penalties for degeneracies: -0.6882 -0.6727 -0.6277 -0.5574 -0.4690 -0.3718 -0.2759 -0.1905 -0.1215 -0.0711 -0.0375 -0.0170 -0.0055 0.0005 0.0034 0.0047 | 0.0055 bonus spectrum frequencies: 5.19 w1 of HN_CO_CA 2: 165 different coherences assigned range of measured peaks: [ 6.58,11.18] standard deviation of peak picking: 0.0063 bonus for assignments: 4.6627 4.6514 4.6161 4.5527 4.4538 4.3092 4.1060 3.8308 3.4725 3.0251 2.4889 1.8684 1.1700 0.3994 -0.4392 -1.3431 | -8.0396 penalties for degeneracies: -1.0210 -1.0010 -0.9425 -0.8497 -0.7298 -0.5932 -0.4526 -0.3216 -0.2111 -0.1273 -0.0697 -0.0340 -0.0136 -0.0030 0.0022 0.0045 | 0.0061 bonus spectrum frequencies: 5.68 w2 of HN_CO_CA 2: 165 different coherences assigned range of measured peaks: [107.64,134.88] standard deviation of peak picking: 0.0750 bonus for assignments: 4.3492 4.3325 4.2809 4.1901 4.0533 3.8615 3.6052 3.2764 2.8695 2.3833 1.8194 1.1813 0.4728 -0.3032 -1.1444 -2.0495 | -8.0283 penalties for degeneracies: -0.6273 -0.6127 -0.5706 -0.5051 -0.4232 -0.3337 -0.2462 -0.1688 -0.1069 -0.0619 -0.0320 -0.0139 -0.0037 0.0016 0.0041 0.0053 | 0.0061 bonus spectrum frequencies: 4.98 w3 of HN_CO_CA 2: 165 different coherences assigned range of measured peaks: [41.52,66.64] standard deviation of peak picking: 0.0750 bonus for assignments: 4.3051 4.2878 4.2343 4.1405 3.9995 3.8028 3.5414 3.2075 2.7965 2.3070 1.7409 1.1014 0.3920 -0.3843 -1.2257 -2.1309 | -8.0264 penalties for degeneracies: -0.5899 -0.5759 -0.5357 -0.4733 -0.3955 -0.3109 -0.2286 -0.1562 -0.0985 -0.0567 -0.0291 -0.0123 -0.0029 0.0019 0.0043 0.0054 | 0.0061 bonus spectrum frequencies: 4.89 w1 of HNCO 3: 165 different coherences assigned range of measured peaks: [ 6.57,11.18] standard deviation of peak picking: 0.0063 bonus for assignments: 4.6631 4.6518 4.6165 4.5531 4.4543 4.3098 4.1067 3.8316 3.4734 3.0261 2.4899 1.8695 1.1711 0.4005 -0.4381 -1.3420 | -8.0396 penalties for degeneracies: -1.0217 -1.0017 -0.9432 -0.8503 -0.7304 -0.5937 -0.4530 -0.3219 -0.2114 -0.1274 -0.0698 -0.0340 -0.0137 -0.0030 0.0022 0.0045 | 0.0061 bonus spectrum frequencies: 5.68 w2 of HNCO 3: 165 different coherences assigned range of measured peaks: [107.64,134.78] standard deviation of peak picking: 0.0750 bonus for assignments: 4.3473 4.3305 4.2789 4.1880 4.0509 3.8589 3.6024 3.2733 2.8663 2.3800 1.8160 1.1778 0.4692 -0.3068 -1.1480 -2.0531 | -8.0282 penalties for degeneracies: -0.6256 -0.6111 -0.5690 -0.5036 -0.4219 -0.3327 -0.2454 -0.1683 -0.1065 -0.0616 -0.0319 -0.0138 -0.0037 0.0016 0.0042 0.0053 | 0.0061 bonus spectrum frequencies: 4.97 w3 of HNCO 3: 165 different coherences assigned range of measured peaks: [170.55,179.91] standard deviation of peak picking: 0.0750 bonus for assignments: 3.6489 3.6249 3.5517 3.4265 3.2451 3.0027 2.6951 2.3193 1.8738 1.3590 0.7759 0.1260 -0.5893 -1.3687 -2.2116 -3.1174 | -7.9843 penalties for degeneracies: -0.2591 -0.2519 -0.2313 -0.2003 -0.1630 -0.1241 -0.0879 -0.0575 -0.0342 -0.0178 -0.0072 -0.0008 0.0027 0.0045 0.0054 0.0058 | 0.0061 bonus spectrum frequencies: 3.91 w1 of CBCANH 4: 173 different coherences assigned range of measured peaks: [ 6.57,11.19] standard deviation of peak picking: 0.0063 bonus for assignments: 4.6938 4.6822 4.6459 4.5808 4.4795 4.3318 4.1249 3.8458 3.4838 3.0333 2.4948 1.8729 1.1736 0.4025 -0.4363 -1.3403 | -8.0399 penalties for degeneracies: -0.9928 -0.9732 -0.9157 -0.8246 -0.7071 -0.5736 -0.4367 -0.3096 -0.2029 -0.1221 -0.0668 -0.0325 -0.0131 -0.0029 0.0021 0.0043 | 0.0058 bonus spectrum frequencies: 5.69 w2 of CBCANH 4: 173 different coherences assigned range of measured peaks: [107.62,134.69] standard deviation of peak picking: 0.0750 bonus for assignments: 4.3675 4.3504 4.2976 4.2048 4.0652 3.8701 3.6104 3.2782 2.8686 2.3802 1.8148 1.1758 0.4667 -0.3095 -1.1509 -2.0560 | -8.0284 penalties for degeneracies: -0.6026 -0.5885 -0.5476 -0.4841 -0.4050 -0.3188 -0.2347 -0.1607 -0.1016 -0.0587 -0.0303 -0.0131 -0.0035 0.0015 0.0040 0.0051 | 0.0058 bonus spectrum frequencies: 4.97 w3 of CBCANH 4: 350 different coherences assigned range of measured peaks: [ 1.96,84.06] standard deviation of peak picking: 0.0750 bonus for assignments: 5.2707 5.2567 5.2133 5.1360 5.0175 4.8481 4.6164 4.3115 3.9259 3.4562 2.9038 2.2730 1.5685 0.7947 -0.0454 -0.9500 | -8.0464 penalties for degeneracies: -0.8088 -0.7915 -0.7412 -0.6623 -0.5620 -0.4501 -0.3381 -0.2367 -0.1536 -0.0921 -0.0507 -0.0253 -0.0109 -0.0035 0.0001 0.0018 | 0.0029 bonus spectrum frequencies: 6.08 w1 of C_CO_NH 5: 165 different coherences assigned range of measured peaks: [ 6.57,11.18] standard deviation of peak picking: 0.0063 bonus for assignments: 4.6631 4.6518 4.6165 4.5531 4.4543 4.3098 4.1067 3.8316 3.4734 3.0261 2.4899 1.8695 1.1711 0.4005 -0.4381 -1.3420 | -8.0396 penalties for degeneracies: -1.0217 -1.0017 -0.9432 -0.8503 -0.7304 -0.5937 -0.4530 -0.3219 -0.2114 -0.1274 -0.0698 -0.0340 -0.0137 -0.0030 0.0022 0.0045 | 0.0061 bonus spectrum frequencies: 5.68 w2 of C_CO_NH 5: 165 different coherences assigned range of measured peaks: [107.59,134.87] standard deviation of peak picking: 0.0750 bonus for assignments: 4.3499 4.3332 4.2817 4.1910 4.0542 3.8625 3.6063 3.2775 2.8708 2.3846 1.8208 1.1827 0.4741 -0.3018 -1.1430 -2.0481 | -8.0283 penalties for degeneracies: -0.6279 -0.6134 -0.5712 -0.5056 -0.4237 -0.3341 -0.2465 -0.1691 -0.1071 -0.0620 -0.0321 -0.0139 -0.0037 0.0016 0.0041 0.0053 | 0.0061 bonus spectrum frequencies: 4.98 w3 of C_CO_NH 5: 508 different coherences assigned range of measured peaks: [ 3.02,84.79] standard deviation of peak picking: 0.0750 bonus for assignments: 5.4579 5.4409 5.3887 5.2968 5.1584 4.9648 4.7067 4.3759 3.9676 3.4801 2.9154 2.2768 1.5679 0.7918 -0.0494 -0.9546 | -8.0473 penalties for degeneracies: -0.6176 -0.6033 -0.5618 -0.4974 -0.4170 -0.3294 -0.2438 -0.1683 -0.1079 -0.0641 -0.0350 -0.0174 -0.0075 -0.0024 0.0001 0.0012 | 0.0020 bonus spectrum frequencies: 6.08 w1 of HC_CO_NH 6: 165 different coherences assigned range of measured peaks: [ 6.59,11.16] standard deviation of peak picking: 0.0063 bonus for assignments: 4.6594 4.6480 4.6125 4.5488 4.4494 4.3041 4.1002 3.8242 3.4651 3.0171 2.4804 1.8596 1.1610 0.3903 -0.4483 -1.3523 | -8.0395 penalties for degeneracies: -1.0151 -0.9952 -0.9369 -0.8445 -0.7251 -0.5891 -0.4493 -0.3190 -0.2094 -0.1261 -0.0691 -0.0336 -0.0135 -0.0029 0.0022 0.0045 | 0.0061 bonus spectrum frequencies: 5.67 w2 of HC_CO_NH 6: 165 different coherences assigned range of measured peaks: [107.54,134.81] standard deviation of peak picking: 0.0750 bonus for assignments: 4.3496 4.3329 4.2814 4.1906 4.0538 3.8620 3.6059 3.2770 2.8703 2.3841 1.8202 1.1821 0.4736 -0.3024 -1.1436 -2.0487 | -8.0283 penalties for degeneracies: -0.6276 -0.6131 -0.5709 -0.5054 -0.4235 -0.3340 -0.2464 -0.1690 -0.1070 -0.0619 -0.0321 -0.0139 -0.0037 0.0016 0.0041 0.0053 | 0.0061 bonus spectrum frequencies: 4.98 w3 of HC_CO_NH 6: 750 different coherences assigned range of measured peaks: [-1.09, 7.23] standard deviation of peak picking: 0.0750 bonus for assignments: 3.7344 3.7049 3.6160 3.4669 3.2566 2.9839 2.6478 2.2479 1.7839 1.2559 0.6642 0.0092 -0.7088 -1.4897 -2.3333 -3.2395 | -7.9804 penalties for degeneracies: -0.0561 -0.0544 -0.0495 -0.0423 -0.0339 -0.0254 -0.0177 -0.0114 -0.0066 -0.0034 -0.0013 -0.0000 0.0007 0.0010 0.0012 0.0013 | 0.0013 bonus spectrum frequencies: 3.79 w1 of HN_CA_CO 7: 165 different coherences assigned range of measured peaks: [ 6.58,11.18] standard deviation of peak picking: 0.0063 bonus for assignments: 4.6619 4.6506 4.6153 4.5517 4.4528 4.3080 4.1046 3.8292 3.4707 3.0232 2.4869 1.8663 1.1679 0.3972 -0.4414 -1.3453 | -8.0396 penalties for degeneracies: -1.0196 -0.9996 -0.9412 -0.8485 -0.7287 -0.5922 -0.4518 -0.3210 -0.2107 -0.1270 -0.0696 -0.0339 -0.0136 -0.0030 0.0022 0.0045 | 0.0061 bonus spectrum frequencies: 5.68 w2 of HN_CA_CO 7: 165 different coherences assigned range of measured peaks: [107.72,134.82] standard deviation of peak picking: 0.0750 bonus for assignments: 4.3463 4.3296 4.2779 4.1869 4.0498 3.8576 3.6010 3.2718 2.8647 2.3783 1.8142 1.1760 0.4674 -0.3086 -1.1498 -2.0549 | -8.0281 penalties for degeneracies: -0.6247 -0.6102 -0.5682 -0.5029 -0.4213 -0.3322 -0.2450 -0.1680 -0.1063 -0.0615 -0.0318 -0.0138 -0.0036 0.0016 0.0042 0.0053 | 0.0061 bonus spectrum frequencies: 4.97 w3 of HN_CA_CO 7: 173 different coherences assigned range of measured peaks: [169.68,182.73] standard deviation of peak picking: 0.0750 bonus for assignments: 3.9067 3.8844 3.8161 3.6986 3.5268 3.2949 2.9976 2.6308 2.1925 1.6829 1.1031 0.4553 -0.2588 -1.0376 -1.8802 -2.7859 | -8.0037 penalties for degeneracies: -0.3332 -0.3243 -0.2988 -0.2601 -0.2131 -0.1637 -0.1173 -0.0779 -0.0474 -0.0258 -0.0118 -0.0034 0.0013 0.0037 0.0049 0.0054 | 0.0058 bonus spectrum frequencies: 4.24 COMMAND: determine equivalent peaks Initializing 1 Initializing 2 Initializing 3 Initializing 4 Initializing 5 Initializing 6 Initializing 7 Initializing 8 Initializing 9 Initializing 10 Initializing 11 Initializing 12 Initializing 13 Iteration Schedule Score Best Avg Mutations ================================================================ 1 0.00 6.78 ******** 3.39 46.56 2 0.00 6.49 6.78 3.65 48.32 3 0.00 6.64 6.78 3.91 50.68 4 0.00 6.78 6.78 4.18 44.25 5 0.00 6.69 6.78 4.45 44.64 6 0.00 6.56 6.78 4.71 45.72 7 0.00 6.61 6.78 4.98 48.84 8 0.00 6.67 6.78 5.25 44.02 9 0.00 6.62 6.78 5.51 48.80 10 0.00 6.65 6.78 5.78 47.46 11 0.00 6.72 6.78 6.04 50.84 12 0.00 6.71 6.78 6.31 49.27 13 0.00 6.67 6.78 6.58 42.83 14 0.00 6.77 6.78 6.59 47.52 15 0.00 6.76 6.78 6.60 44.77 16 0.00 6.79 6.78 6.62 46.18 17 0.00 6.68 6.79 6.63 44.68 18 0.00 6.77 6.79 6.64 39.01 19 0.00 6.93 6.79 6.66 44.02 20 0.00 6.75 6.93 6.67 42.11 21 0.00 6.69 6.93 6.68 47.54 22 0.00 6.57 6.93 6.67 45.39 23 0.00 6.73 6.93 6.68 44.78 24 0.00 6.76 6.93 6.70 38.16 25 0.00 6.53 6.93 6.69 72.62 26 0.00 6.75 6.93 6.69 41.85 27 0.00 6.86 6.93 6.71 32.89 28 0.00 6.73 6.93 6.71 35.35 29 0.00 6.84 6.93 6.71 31.81 30 0.00 6.86 6.93 6.72 34.96 31 0.00 6.74 6.93 6.73 45.05 32 0.00 6.83 6.93 6.74 36.77 33 0.00 6.72 6.93 6.74 34.77 34 0.00 6.80 6.93 6.74 33.91 35 0.00 6.69 6.93 6.75 40.81 36 0.00 6.73 6.93 6.75 38.43 37 0.00 6.75 6.93 6.75 45.31 38 0.00 6.89 6.93 6.76 34.50 39 0.00 6.82 6.93 6.76 33.95 40 0.00 6.75 6.93 6.76 40.01 41 0.00 6.83 6.93 6.76 37.88 42 0.00 6.81 6.93 6.77 34.20 43 0.00 6.80 6.93 6.77 33.39 44 0.00 6.76 6.93 6.76 38.60 45 0.00 6.85 6.93 6.76 40.46 46 0.00 6.71 6.93 6.76 38.73 47 0.00 6.84 6.93 6.78 40.49 48 0.00 6.85 6.93 6.78 37.84 49 0.00 6.71 6.93 6.78 41.89 50 0.00 6.76 6.93 6.79 62.58 51 0.00 6.88 6.93 6.79 34.80 52 0.00 6.74 6.93 6.79 36.38 53 0.00 6.87 6.93 6.79 47.35 54 0.00 6.83 6.93 6.79 31.97 55 0.00 6.83 6.93 6.79 36.54 56 0.00 6.87 6.93 6.80 33.91 57 0.00 6.84 6.93 6.80 40.14 58 0.00 6.76 6.93 6.80 39.54 59 0.00 6.82 6.93 6.80 30.95 60 0.00 6.76 6.93 6.80 36.69 61 0.00 6.77 6.93 6.80 40.05 62 0.00 6.87 6.93 6.81 31.68 63 0.00 6.93 6.93 6.81 32.85 64 0.00 6.78 6.93 6.81 39.66 65 0.00 6.95 6.93 6.82 34.24 66 0.00 6.95 6.95 6.82 30.22 67 0.00 6.98 6.95 6.83 29.62 68 0.00 6.75 6.98 6.83 47.88 69 0.00 6.92 6.98 6.83 33.21 70 0.00 6.95 6.98 6.84 30.98 71 0.00 6.89 6.98 6.84 26.20 72 0.00 6.94 6.98 6.85 31.56 73 0.00 6.96 6.98 6.85 28.41 74 0.00 6.91 6.98 6.86 32.93 75 0.00 6.71 6.98 6.86 52.60 76 0.00 6.94 6.98 6.86 35.41 77 0.00 6.88 6.98 6.87 29.73 78 0.00 6.88 6.98 6.87 33.21 79 0.00 6.86 6.98 6.87 29.74 80 0.00 6.83 6.98 6.87 33.42 81 0.00 6.99 6.98 6.87 27.14 82 0.00 6.96 6.99 6.88 29.27 83 0.00 6.99 6.99 6.89 27.53 84 0.00 6.81 6.99 6.89 27.85 85 0.00 6.94 6.99 6.89 33.00 86 0.00 6.92 6.99 6.90 31.56 87 0.00 6.86 6.99 6.90 24.28 88 0.00 6.94 6.99 6.90 25.06 89 0.00 6.95 6.99 6.91 35.66 90 0.00 6.97 6.99 6.91 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